China Kennissessie: China's Digital Currency

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China kennissessie met Karman Lucero en Martijn Jeroen van der Linden over China's digitale munteenheid. Moderatie door Floris Harm.

Will the Chinese Digital Yuan replace the Dollar as the world's standard currency? Would this disrupt the global financial institutions? How would Dutch and European policymakers have to deal with these issues? These questions will be discussed during this CKN Knowledge Session, this time dedicated to the topic of "China's Digital Currency." This session took place on 25 October, from 14:00 to 15:00. The experts: Karman Lucero is a scholar at the Paul Tsai China Centre of Yale University, whose research focuses on judicial and administrative reform in China, and Chinese governance of AI, and digital currency. Martijn Jeroen van der Linden is a professor of 'New Finance' at The Hague University of Applied Sciences. His research focuses on new forms of digital money, liberalising banks, mechanisms in the money system that contribute to inequality and financial instability, monetary policy and reform proposals.


The aim of the LeidenAsiaCentre is to generate academic knowledge on modern East Asia that can find societal applications in the Netherlands. The LeidenAsiaCentre focuses primarily on East Asia: China (including Taiwan), Japan, Korea and Singapore, but is expanding its focus to include South and Southeast Asia, notably India and the Indo-Pacific. As an independent NGO by Dutch law, the LeidenAsiaCentre identifies topics related to social-economic and political developments within Asia that are of relevance for the Netherlands and Europe at large.